
Please follow the below link to our online enrollment platform.  You will first need to create an account and verify your email.  If you have any questions or need help with the online enrollment process please call our preschool office at 707-453-6148.


Any person who would like to enroll their child in our preschool services must first submit an application. Parents and Guardians enrolling a child or children have the responsibility to complete and sign all enrollment forms accurately. When you sign the enrollment forms you are certifying, under penalty of perjury, that you have the legal authority for the child. Parents who have legal joint custody will have equal access to all information regarding the child, including enrolling and making changes to the enrollment paperwork. A current court order will be required to prevent a parent or legal guardian from activities such as picking up, visiting, or accessing paperwork.


Eligibility List Priority / Ages Served

The Vacaville Unified School District follows the guidance, policies and procedures prescribed by the California Department of Education’s Early Education Division. Eligibility is determined by income, homelessness, CPS, At-Risk and/or CalWorks. Monthly income must be at or below 100% of the state median income, adjusted for family size. Lowest income families are served first. Income means total countable income of the individuals counted in the family size: gross wages/salaries, overtime, tips, cash aid, child support payments, portion of student grants and scholarships not identified for tuition, books or supplies.
The VUSD State Preschool Program provides services to eligible 3 and 4 year olds as well as TK age eligible students.

1. First priority will be given to neglected, abused, or homeless children based upon a written referral from a legal or licensed professional. The referral must state:

  • Childcare services are part of the family case plan
  • Probable duration of child’s need (not to exceed 24 months)
  • Hours per day required (CPS referrals must be dated within six months preceding the application for childcare services. At-risk referrals must be dated within six month preceding the application for childcare services.)
  • Referral must include name, address, phone number and signature of legal or licensed professional.
  • Homeless documentation must be a written referral from an emergency shelter or other legal, medical, social service agency or a written parental declaration that the family is homeless that includes a statement describing the family’s living situation.

2. Second priority shall go to CSPP eligible three and four-year old children with exceptional needs in income ranking order.
3. Third priority shall go to CSPP eligible three and four -year old children in income ranking order.
4. Waiting lists are kept and families selected based upon the above stated priorities.
5. All family and child records will be kept confidential

Required Documents:

  • Photo ID for parent/guardian
  • FAMILY SIZE: Documents supporting the number of children and parents in the family such as Birth Certificate(s) or other legal documentation that establishes the relationship to the children. Additional documents may include:
    • Child custody court orders
    • Adoption records
    • Foster care records
    • School records
    • Medical records
    • Social services records
  • PROOF OF VACAVILLE RESIDENCE. Residency is based on where you live and verification by one item below is required:
    • Current mortgage statement, escrow closing papers indicating a sale has closed, grant deed, property tax bill, lease/rental agreement including property address, names of authorized occupants when occupants are specified on the rental/lease agreement.
    • Current PG&E, water bill or other utility bills with name and address listed.
    • Further verification may be required at the supervisor’s discretion.
      • Active full military duty families shall provide proof of residency within 10 days after the published arrival date provided on the official document.
  • IF INCOME QUALIFYING - Proof of gross monthly income for the family unit dated within the last 30 days of the final enrollment appointment. If any individual’s income fluctuates due to overtime, commission, bonuses, or seasonal work, you must submit the past 3 months’ gross income.
    • ○ 3 Polio ○ 4 DTaP ○ 3 Hep B ○ 1 MMR on or after the 1st birthday ○ 1 Hib on or after the 1st birthday** ○ 1 Varicella ○ And recent tuberculosis screening
      • Community Care Licensing requires all children have a Physician’s Report, completed by a physician, on file within 30 days of enrollment. Children who do not have a completed Physician’s Report on file after the first 30 days of enrollment will be denied admittance until a completed Physician’s Report is received.


Right to Appeal a Notice of Action

If you disagree with the preschool’s action as stated in the Notice of Action (NOA), you have the right to appeal. Your NOA provides you with specific instructions for appealing an action. Please keep a copy of your NOA. The appeal process has two levels

  • First: a local hearing conducted by a hearing officer who is not involved with the decision:
    • Complete the second page of the NOA and mail, fax, deliver, or email a copy to VUSD Educational Services Center attention of: Educational Options and Supports, or submit your request using any other communication method identified in this parent handbook.
    • Within 10 calendar days of receiving your timely request, the agency will provide you with a notice telling you the date, time, and place of the local hearing.
  • Second: If you disagree with the written decision of the hearing officer, you have 14 calendar days from the date on the local agency’s decision letter in 11 which to appeal to the Early Education and Support Division (CDD). The Parent Appeal Information Pamphlet is available at our enrollment office and/or can be mailed to you upon request. Please see your NOA for specific instructions on how to appeal.

California Department of Education Early Education
and Support Division
Attn: Appeals Coordinator
1430 N Street, Suite 3410
Sacramento, Ca 95814
Phone: 916-322-6233 Fax: 916-323-6853

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