
Program Philosophy and Goals

California State Preschool Program (CSPP)

The CSPP is a preschool program for three and four year old children who are eligible and is funded by the California Department of Education’s Early Education Division. The program provides part-day services in a program that is developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate for the children served. The program also provides means, parent education, and referrals to health and social services for families.

Program Philosophy

VUSD works to achieve the mission of graduating all students by providing academic excellence and CHOICES that encourage unique and individualized learning experiences. We place precedence on imparting a sense of belonging and commitment to the community. Fostering lifelong learning lays a foundation for our students character, work ethic, collaboration and confidence to aspire and achieve. VUSD students are exposed to college and career readiness opportunities that give direction and purpose after graduation. Together, with the outstanding talent and dedication of our teaching and support staff, we will enable our students to accomplish great things.

At VUSD State Preschool Program, we believe:
That through collaboration with the CSPP, Special Education, Education Services departments and families, lifelong learning will begin in earnest at age three for the children of Vacaville. All children have the ability to learn and have the right to access a robust early childhood education. Children learn through play and engaging in a wide range of life experiences. VUSD California State Preschool Program provides a safe and welcoming preschool environment where all children are free to learn and explore the world around them.

Program Goals and Objectives

Vacaville Unified School District strives to provide a safe, welcoming, learning environment where children are able to learn, explore, and grow through play and collaboration with peers and adult facilitation. To this end regular review will occur to ensure the following goals are met:

  • Create and sustain a welcoming and inclusive learning environment that utilizes evidence-based practices to meet the needs of all children.
  • Prepare children to be part of a classroom community to create a smooth transition to Kindergarten.
  • Provide a print-rich environment to promote literacy, numeracy and other academic skills.
  • Support intentional play and exploration of mathematics and science concepts infused throughout the day.
  • Develop physical well being by moving and playing inside as well as outside. Exploring new and creative ways to move our bodies to music and to access the world around us.
  • Learn how to be good citizens and community members by learning how to be responsible group members, resolve conflict, regulate emotions, and advocate for self and others.


In VUSD’s California State Preschool Program we believe that child-led inquiry and discovery is the best way to create lifelong learners. Teachers and adults are facilitators of a child’s learning process who provide rich experiences and scaffolding to support children’s learning. We utilize evidence-based practices to create opportunities for prosocial behavior and learning.

Evaluation Instruments

All subsidized State Preschool programs are required to comply with the California Department of Education, Early Education, and Support Division, and Desired Results Accountability System.

A results-based annual self-study evaluation process includes the following components:

  • Desired Results Developmental Profile-Revised (DRDP-2015): All children are assessed using the California Department of Education’s Desired Results Developmental Profile. The assessment consists of teacher observations and a record of the child’s language, social, cognitive, and motor development. This assessment is completed twice per year. Assessment results will be shared with the family during parent conferences. Results also help guide lesson planning and individual child development planning. We are happy to collaborate with parents for continued in home development.
  • Parent Survey: The Parent Survey is distributed at least once each year. From this survey, we hope to gain feedback regarding parent satisfaction with their child(ren)’s progress, information about achieving goals and other areas of 7 parent input (including suggestions about topics for parent education). A Parent Survey Summary of Findings is part of the program’s annual self evaluation process, and action plans are developed from the key findings in order to improve program quality.
  • Environmental Rating Scales (ERS): The Environmental Rating Scales are used in national studies and by other states and organizations to evaluate program quality. Vacaville Unified School District’s State Preschool program uses the Early Childhood Environmental Rating Scale (ECERS). This is a required instrument for program self-evaluation and compliance review conducted at least once a year by trained staff, parents and board representatives. A brief description of the low score areas is completed and action steps are developed to improve scores. Expected completion and follow-up dates are also part of the report.
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